143 hm |
1101 hm |
Tiefster Punkt | 545 m |
Höchster Punkt | 1520 m |
4:05 h |
12,8 km |
Hochkoenig Trek - Walk day 5 - Arthurhaus - Werfen

Quelle/Autor: New Experience Holidays
Die Tour
Today is nearly all downhill descending some 1000 metres through forests and meadows along small streams and farmhouses. From the hotel at 1500 metres you head down towards Stegalm following alpine meadows and forest trails. You soon glimpse the Tennengebirge mountain range ahead with its majestic peaks and continue around the contours of the hillside reaching Werfen some 4 hours later, before transferring by a short train ride (included) to Golling. You may consider a trip to the world’s largest accessible ice caves at Eisriesenwelt. Allow 3 to 4 hours for this excursion. Alternatively you may visit the formidable medieval fortress for bird flight demonstrations. Werfen was made famous in the World War 2 action film ’Where Eagles Dare’ and also makes a cameo appearance in ‘The Sound of Music’.